Class: CommonWidgets

Defined in: web-src/coffee/gui/
Inherits: WidgetMgr


Common widgets used in all GUIs (UML, EER, etc.).

Instance Method Summary

Constructor Details

# (void) constructor()

Instance Method Details

# (void) show_error(status, error)

Report an error to the user.


  • status ( String ) the status text.
  • error ( String ) error message

# (void) show_donewidget(cellid, callback = null)

Show a "done" widget on a Joint cell.


  • cellid ( string ) The Joint cellid.
  • callback ( function ) A callback function without parameters.

# (void) traffic_light_green()

Put the traffic light on green.

# (void) traffic_light_red()

Put the traffic light on red.

# (void) traffic_light_yellow()

Put the traffic light on red.

# (void) show_import_json()

Show the "Import JSON" modal dialog.

Set the OWLlink dara at the "Insert OWLlink" section.


  • str ( string ) The OWLlink data.

# (void) show_export_json()

Update and show the "Export JSON String" section.

# (void) refresh_export_json()

Refresh the content of the "Export JSON String" section.

No need to show it.

# (void) refresh_ns()

# (void) reset_ns()

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