Class: GUI

Defined in: web-src/coffee/gui/


Central GUI do-it-all class...

Instance Method Summary

Constructor Details

# (void) constructor(graph, paper)

Instance Method Details

# (void) add_gui(name, guiimp)

GUIIMP management.

Messages for manage GUIIMP instances.

Add the GUIIMP instance as availables GUIs, also make it the current.


  • name ( string ) The GUIIMP name.
  • guiimp ( GUIIMP ) An instance of a GUIIMP subclass.

# (void) to_metamodel()

# (void) to_fol()

# (void) switch_to_gui(name)

Make the nth GUIIMP in the @lst_guis the current GUI.

Change the current GUI the previous one.


  • name ( string ) The GUI name.

# (void) set_previous(name)

Make the GUIIMP instance that it is in the @lst_guis as the previous GUI.


  • name ( name ) The name key of the @lst_guis.

# (void) set_prev_gui(guiimp)

Set the previous GUIIMP instance that may not be added to my @lst_guis.


  • guiimp ( GUIIMP ) A GUIIMP subclass instance.

# (void) switch_to_prev()

Switch to the previous GUIIMP.

# (void) update_metamodel(data)

# (void) update_fol(data)

# (void) translate_formal(strategy, syntax)

Translate the current model into a formalization.

Show the user a "wait" message while the server process the model.


  • strategy ( String ) The strategy name to use for formalize the model.
  • syntax ( String ) The output syntax format.

# (void) full_reasoning(strategy, reasoner)

Full reasoning on the current model and selecting a reasoner.

Show the user a "wait" message while the server process the model.


  • strategy ( String ) model encoding required for reasoning on.
  • syntax ( String ) reasoning system.

# (void) documenting(documenter)

Generating documentation for current ontology.


  • documenter ( String ) documentation platform (Widoco, etc).

# (void) update_documenting(data)

# (void) update_full_reasoning(data)

Update traffic light and models after full reasoning

Draft version: only update textarea with data


  • data ( string ) OWLlink string
Deprecated. Use translate_formal() instead.

# (void) update_translation(data)

# (void) set_isa_state(class_id, disjoint, covering)

# (void) set_association_state(class_id, mult, roles, name, w_class, assoc_t)

# (void) clear_relationship()

# (void) hide_toolbar()


Hide the left side "Tools" toolbar

# (void) hide_umldiagram_page()

# (void) show_umldiagram_page()

# (void) hide_eerdiagram_page()

# (void) show_eerdiagram_page()

# (void) set_selection_state()

Show the "Insert OWLlink" section.

# (void) change_to_details_page()

# (void) change_to_diagram_page()

# (void) on_cell_clicked(cellview, event, x, y)

What to do when a Joint cell is clicked.

Follows the responsability to the @current_gui.

@param event The event descripiton object


  • cellview ( dia.CellView ) The Joint CellView that recieves the click event.
  • x ( number ) X coordinate.
  • y ( number ) Y coordinate.

# (void) check_satisfiable()

Check if the model is satisfiable sending a POST to the server.

# (void) update_satisfiable(data)

Update the diagram displaying unsatisfiable primitives in red.


  • data ( String ) The JSON answer.

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