Defined in: web-src/coffee/gui/eer/
Inherits: gui.GUIIMPL


Central GUI do-it-all class...

Instance Method Summary

Constructor Details

# (void) constructor(graph, paper)

Create a GUIERR instance.


  • graph ( JointJS.Graph ) The JointJS Graph used for drawing models.
  • paper ( JointJS.Paper ) The JointJS Paper used for drawing views.

Instance Method Details

# (void) disable()

# (void) enable()

# (void) set_urlprefix(str)

# (void) on_cell_clicked(cellview, event, x, y)

# What to do when the user clicked on a cellView.

# (void) clear_relationship()

# (void) set_editclass_classid(model_id)

# (void) update_satisfiable(data)

Update the interface with satisfiable information.


  • data ( string ) is a JSON string with the server response.

# (void) set_trafficlight(obj)

Set the traffic-light according to the JSON object recived by the server.


  • obj ( JSON ) The JSON object parsed from the recieved data.

# (void) check_satisfiable()

Send a POST to the server for checking if the diagram is satisfiable.

# (void) update_translation(data)

Update the translation information on the GUI and show it to the user.

Depending on the format selected by the user show it as HTML or inside a textarea tag.



  • data ( string ) The HTML, OWLlink or the translation

See also:

# Event handler for translate diagram to OWLlink using Ajax and the api/translate/berardi.php translator URL.

# (void) change_to_details_page()

# (void) change_to_diagram_page()

# (void) hide_toolbar()

Hide the left side "Tools" toolbar

# (void) hide_eerdiagram_page()

# (void) show_eerdiagram_page()

# (void) set_association_state(class_id, mult, roles, name)

Change the interface into a "new association" state.


  • class_id ( string ) The id of the class that triggered it and thus, the starting class of the association.
  • mult ( array ) An array of two strings representing the cardinality from and to.

# (void) set_isa_state(class_id, disjoint = false, covering = false)

Change to the IsA GUI State so the user can select the child for the parent.


  • class_id ( String ) The JointJS::Cell id for the parent class.
  • disjoint ( Boolean ) optional. If the relation has the disjoint constraint.
  • covering ( Boolean ) optional. If the relation has the disjoint constraint.

# (void) set_selection_state()

Change the interface into a "selection" state.

# Show the "Insert OWLlink" section.

# (void) update_metamodel(data)

    Quickly fuzzy find classes, mixins, methods, file:

    Control the navigation frame:

    You can focus and blur the search input: