Class: IsAState

Defined in: web-src/coffee/gui/
Inherits: gui.State


IsA state, the user can select another class for create a generalization between them.

Instance Method Summary

Constructor Details

# (void) constructor()

Instance Method Details

# (void) reset()

Reset the state information to the default values.

# (void) set_cellStarter(cell_starter)

Set the parent Cell Id.


  • cell_starter ( string ) the parent Cell Id.

# (void) set_constraint(disjoint, covering)

Set the constraints of the generalization.


  • disjoint ( Boolean ) If childrens are disjoint instances.
  • covering ( Boolean ) If the parent has no instances and are represented as the children ones.

# (void) set_disjoint(disjoint)

# (void) set_covering(covering)

# (void) get_disjoint()

# (void) get_covering()

# (void) on_cell_clicked(cellView, event, x, y, gui_instance)

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