Class: Isa

Defined in: web-src/coffee/model/eer/
Inherits: model.Link


An Isa link.

Instance Method Summary

Constructor Details

# (void) constructor(parent_class, classes, name = null, position)


  • parent_class ( Class ) The parent class.
  • classes ( Array<Class> ) An array of child classes.

Instance Method Details

# (void) get_joint(factory = null, csstheme = null)

# (void) create_joint(factory, csstheme = null)

if @joint.length < @classes.length

# If it was created before but now we have a new child.
if factory != null then this.create_joint(factory, csstheme);

return @joint

# (void) has_joint_instance(elt)

# (void) get_joint_for_child(classchild)

# (void) has_parent(parentclass)

# (void) add_child(childclass)

# (void) set_disjoint(disjoint)

# (void) set_covering(covering)

# (void) set_total(total)

# (void) get_disjoint()

# (void) get_covering()

# (void) get_total()

# (void) get_parcial()

# (void) to_json()

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