Class: LinkWithClass

Defined in: web-src/coffee/model/uml/
Inherits: model.Link


A link with association class.

Also manage the association link, wich is the link that goes through the middle of the link with to the association class; the association class, which represent the association and is at the middle of the association link.

Instance Method Summary

Constructor Details

# (void) constructor(classes, name)

Instance Method Details

# (Array) create_joint(factory, csstheme = null)

As Link#create_joint, but it also creates the association link and class.

Also, inherit the same parameters.


  • ( Array ) — A list of joint objects created by the factory given.

See also:

# (void) update_position()

Update position of the association link and association class according tot he target and source classes (it must be half a way).

# (object) to_json()

Exports to JSON

Also adds the key "associated_class" and add the JSON of the associated class.


  • ( object ) — The JSON object.

See also:

    Quickly fuzzy find classes, mixins, methods, file:

    Control the navigation frame:

    You can focus and blur the search input: