Class: ServerConnection

Defined in: web-src/coffee/model/

Instance Method Summary

Constructor Details

# (void) constructor(error_callback)


  • error_callback ( function ) which error callback function to use.

Instance Method Details

# (void) set_urlprefix(str)

# (void) request_satisfiable(json, callback_function)

Send to the server a "is satisfiable" request


  • json ( String ) String with the JSON data.
  • callback_function ( function ) a function to execute when the POST is done.

# (void) request_full_reasoning(json, strategy, reasoner, callback_function)

Send model to server request for full reasoning


  • json ( String ) String with the JSON data.
  • strategy ( String ) encoding strategy for translating models.
  • reasoner ( String ) reasoning system.
  • callback_function ( function ) a function to execute when the POST is done.

# (void) request_translation(json, format, strategy, callback_function)

Send to the server a translation Request.

@param callback_function A functino to use as a callback when the response is recieved.


  • json ( string )
  • strategy ( String ) "berardi", "crowd" or other strategy. Remember that a strategy cannot be applied to other visual languages.
  • format ( string ) "owllink", "html" or any supported translation format by the server.

# (void) request_metamodel_translation(json, callback_function)

Send to the server a metamodel translation Request.

@param callback_function A function to use as a callback when the response is recieved.


  • json ( string )

# (void) request_meta2erd_translation(json, callback_function)

Send to the server a metamodel-to-ERD translation Request.

@param callback_function A function to use as a callback when the response is recieved.


  • json ( string )

# (void) request_meta2orm_translation(json, callback_function)

Send to the server a metamodel-to-ORM translation Request.

@param callback_function A function to use as a callback when the response is recieved.


  • json ( string )

# (void) request_fol_translation(json, callback_function)

# (void) request_owl2importer(owl, callback_function)

# (void) request_documentation(json, documenter, callback_function)

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