Class: UMLWidgets

Defined in: web-src/coffee/gui/uml/
Inherits: gui.WidgetMgr


Widgets used in UML GUI only.

Instance Method Summary

Constructor Details

# (void) constructor()

Instance Method Details

# (void) disable()

# (void) enable()

# (void) set_options_classid(model_id)

Set the class Id of the class options GUI.

Used as handler for the SelectionState.on_click

# (void) hide_options()

Hide the class options GUI.

# (void) set_editclass_classid(model_id)

# (void) set_editattribute_classid(model_id)

Tell the editattr widget which class it should edit.


  • model_id ( string ) The model (class primitive) to edit.

# (void) set_editgeneralization_classid(model_id)

Tell the @relationoptions widget which class it should edit.


  • model_id ( string ) The model (class primitive) to edit.

# (void) set_editassociation_classid(model_id, type = null)

Show wigets for creating a new association.


  • model_id ( string ) The model (class primitive) to edit.
  • type ( string ) Can be "binary", "n-ary" or null.

# (void) show_reasoning()

# (void) hide_reasoning()

# (void) show_translation()

# (void) hide_translation()

# (void) show_info(info)

# (void) show_importowl()

# (void) hide_importowl()

    Quickly fuzzy find classes, mixins, methods, file:

    Control the navigation frame:

    You can focus and blur the search input: