Class: AssociationState

Defined in: web-src/coffee/gui/
Inherits: gui.State


Association state, the user can select another class for create an association between them.

Instance Method Summary

Constructor Details

# (void) constructor()

Instance Method Details

# (void) reset()

Reset the state restoring its default values.

# (void) set_cellStarter(cell_starter)

# (void) set_mult(mult)

Set the association's multiplicity that the user gave.


  • mult ( Array ) An array with two strings.

# (void) set_roles(roles)

Set the association's roles that the user gave.


  • roles ( Array ) An array with two strings.

# (void) set_cardinality(mult)

# (void) set_name(name)

# (void) set_type(type)

# (void) set_with_class(with_class)

Create an association with class?

By default is false. Set to true if you have setted the name before.


  • with_class ( boolean ) True if an association with class is needed.

See also:

# (void) enable_with_class()

Ensure to create an association with class.

associationstate.enable_with_class("a name") is the same as:


Same as

associationstate.set_name("a name")


  • name ( String ) The name for the association class.

See also:

# (void) on_cell_clicked(cell_view, event, x, y, gui_instance)

What to do when the user clicks on another cell.


  • cell_view ( joint.dia.CellView ) The cell view that recieves the click event.
  • event ( Event ) The event object representation.
  • x ( int ) Where's the X coordinate position where the mouse has clicked.
  • y ( int ) Where's the Y coordinate position where the mouse has clicked.
  • gui ( GUI ) A the current GUI instance.

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