
Defined in: web-src/coffee/gui
Classes: GUI

Variables Summary

exports.gui.gui_instance =

Current GUI instance.

An instance must be running!

Better use gui.set_current_instance()

exports.gui.GUI =

Method Summary

Method Details

~ (void) gui(gui_instance)

Set the current instance of the GUI class.

This has nothing to do with the current language interface (GUIUML, GUIEER, etc.).


  • gui_instance ( GUI ) The running instance.

~ (void) gui()

Switch to the ERD interface and diagram.

This is sooo bad, but the context of a $.post callback function differs from the source caller class.

We need to set a global gui instance variable with one GUI.gui instance.

~ (void) gui(data)

This is sooo bad, but the context of a $.post callback function differs from the source caller class.

We need to set a global guiinst variable with one GUI.gui instance.

~ (void) gui(data)

~ (void) gui(jqXHR, status, text)

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