Here is a list of all struct and union fields with links to the structures/unions they belong to:
- g -
- gen_class_satisfiable()
: QueriesGenerator
- gen_class_satisfiable_min_max()
: CrowdQueries
- gen_dataProperty_satisfiable()
: QueriesGenerator
- gen_entailed_classes_min_max()
: CrowdQueries
- gen_entailed_EquivalentClasses()
: QueriesGenerator
- gen_entailedDirect_DisjointClasses()
: QueriesGenerator
- gen_entailedDirect_SubClasses()
: QueriesGenerator
- gen_entailedDirect_SubObjPropertyOf()
: QueriesGenerator
- gen_equivalent_classes_min_max()
: CrowdQueries
- gen_getDisjointClasses()
: QueriesGenerator
- gen_getEquivalentClasses()
: QueriesGenerator
- gen_getPrefixes()
: QueriesGenerator
- gen_objectProperty_satisfiable()
: QueriesGenerator
- gen_satisfiable()
: QueriesGenerator
- gen_sub_classes_min_max()
: CrowdQueries
- gen_subClassHierarchy()
: QueriesGenerator
- gen_subObjectPropertyHierarchy()
: QueriesGenerator
- gen_super_classes_min_max()
: CrowdQueries
- generate_all_queries()
: BerardiQueries
, CrowdQueries
, QueriesGenerator
- generate_answer()
: AnsAnalizer
, BerardiAnalizer
, CrowdAnalizer
- generate_queries()
: QAPack
- generate_verbalisation()
: Verbalisation
- generateDoc()
: Documenter
- get_answer()
: AnsAnalizer
, QAPack
, Strategy
- get_answers()
: Runner
- get_bassoc_links()
: UMLJSONDocument
- get_bassoc_name()
: UMLJSONDocument
- get_classes_with_min_max()
: OWLlinkBuilder
- get_classfrom_bassoc()
: UMLJSONDocument
- get_classto_bassoc()
: UMLJSONDocument
- get_col_answers()
: Connector
- get_crowd_cardinalities()
: UMLcrowd
- get_current_owlclass()
: CrowdAnalizer
- get_equiv()
: Answer
, CrowdAnalizer
, QAPack
- get_firstElementKB()
: OWLlinkDocument
- get_graphicalAxioms()
: OntoExtractor
- get_in_tell()
: OWLlinkDocument
- get_json()
: UMLFol
, Meta2EER
, Meta2ORM
, UMLMeta
, Model
- get_json_array()
: Association
, Attribute
, ClassPredicate
, IsAConstraints
, IsAPredicate
, Attribute
, Metamodel
, ObjectType
, Objecttypecardinality
, Relationship
, Subsumption
- get_KB()
: OWLlinkBuilder
- get_last_answer()
: Runner
- get_last_results()
: DbConn
- get_model()
: User
- get_model_list()
: User
- get_name()
: Model
, User
- get_new_owl2()
: Answer
- get_ontologyIRI()
: UMLJSONDocument
- get_ontologyURI_fromNS()
: Translator
- get_other_URIs_fromNS()
: Translator
- get_owl2_from_answer()
: AnsAnalizer
- get_owner()
: Model
- get_product()
: Documents
, OWLBuilder
, OWLlinkBuilder
, UMLJSONBuilder
- get_responses()
: AnsAnalizer
, BerardiAnalizer
, CrowdAnalizer
- get_sparqldl_answers()
: OntoExtractor
- get_subs_links()
: UMLJSONDocument
- get_wClassassoc_links()
: UMLJSONDocument
- get_with_queries()
: Translator
- getClass()
: GraphicalAxioms
- getClassAxioms()
: OntoExtractor
- getDataProperty()
: GraphicalAxioms
- getDataPropertyAxioms()
: OntoExtractor
- getDataPropertyDomain()
: GraphicalAxioms
- getDataPropertyRange()
: GraphicalAxioms
- getDisjointClassAxioms()
: OntoExtractor
- getDisjointObjectPropertyAxioms()
: OntoExtractor
- getDomain()
: GraphicalAxioms
- getDomainAxioms()
: OntoExtractor
- getDomainDataPropertyAxioms()
: OntoExtractor
- getEqClasses()
: GraphicalAxioms
- getEquivalentClassAxioms()
: OntoExtractor
- getEquivalentObjectPropertyAxioms()
: OntoExtractor
- getIntermediateSparqldl()
: OntoExtractor
- getObjectProperty()
: GraphicalAxioms
- getObjectPropertyAxioms()
: OntoExtractor
- getRange()
: GraphicalAxioms
- getRangeAxioms()
: OntoExtractor
- getRangeDataPropertyAxioms()
: OntoExtractor
- getStrictSubClass()
: GraphicalAxioms
- getStrictSubClassAxioms()
: OntoExtractor
- getStrictSubObjectPropertyAxioms()
: OntoExtractor
- goto_first_query()
: CrowdAnalizer
- goto_first_response()
: CrowdAnalizer