This page is read only. You can view the source, but not change it. Ask your administrator if you think this is wrong. ====== Programate 2019 ====== {{:christian:eventos:programate_2019.jpg?200|}} * {{ :christian:eventos:programate2019-presentacion.pdf | Presentation }} * {{ :christian:eventos:programate2019-handout.pdf | Handout}} ===== Software Used ===== Cesar breaker is under the GPL v3 * {{ :christian:eventos:programate2019-cesar-breaker.tar.bz2 |}} * [[|Cesar Breaker repository]] ([[|Bitbucket mirror]]) Cesar decryption and encryption program created by Candelaria Alvarez. Used and published with her permission. * {{ :christian:eventos:programate2019-cesar.tar.bz2 |}}